NCERT Solutions

Mathematics is a bit hard subject because it takes time and energy to solve. Also, the presence of hard chapters in class 7 maths such as Algebra and Geometry, makes students feel overwhelmed. 


They start thinking, how to solve class 7 hard chapters easily? Therefore, here we have given the best 3 tips to solve class 7 mathematics hard chapters with ease.

3 Tips To Solve Class 7 Maths Hard Chapters

These 3 tips will work perfectly for you if you implement them while solving your CBSE Class 7 Maths.


The tips are as follows: –

Let’s say, there is a question you find difficult to answer. But that is important to solve because it is given in your NCERT Class 7 Maths Book. So, to answer them you just need to practice the questions that closely match. 


You can solve the given examples problems to be able to solve such hard questions.


Also, sometimes finding the relevant examples becomes a huge challenge, so you can use the NCERT Solutions for class 7 Maths , that will let you know the step wise answer to each question.

Once you solve the closely matched example, analyze them so that you can review your mistakes. Reviewing your mistakes will help you to know what are the points that are not clear to you.


Later you can work on those points to understand them clearly. After doing so, you will be able to answer hard questions with ease.

Maths is a subject that has a connection to daily life. For instance you are buying some vegetables and you have to pay for that. To do so, you will need to do the basic maths calculation: sum.


Just like the sum, every single maths topic has real life implementation. Your duty is to understand them and relate them to the real world.


Once you will do this, none of the class 7 maths will look hard and you will even fall in love with maths problems.
